Data Set ID

Starting with version 8.0, the Dataset ID on the #MAP# tab for GETs will be different from the Dataset ID for SETs and SYNs. The GET Dataset ID will not match the Dataset ID listed in Administration, Manage Datasets. Create a manual mapping for a GET in the active workpaper to display the Dataset ID for GET. The Dataset IDs for SETs and SYNs will continue to match the Dataset ID listed in Administration, Manage Datasets.


When you copy or rollover "Active Workpapers":

For a dataset that has Active Workpapers, select Yes for "Active Workpapers?"
The information from the original dataset remains intact within the new dataset.
The DataSetID on the #MAP# sheet must be changed to reflect the new "Dataset I.D."


To find the new DataSetID:

1.Select Administration and then Mange Datasets.
2.Select the Copied or Rolled Over Dataset from the "Dataset" navigation tree.
3.On the General tab, find the row ID.
4.The ID number must be typed onto the #MAP# sheet in the DataSetID column.


To update the new DataSetID on the #MAP# sheet:

1.Open the Active Workpaper.
2.Select the #MAP# sheet.
3.Type the new ID number in the "DataSetID" column.