
You can enter data in the optional fields available in the Analysis tab within Temporary Differences - Book/Tax Basis.


Tag Datasets

It uses the Dataset level Manage Deferred Rollforwards page to set a default tag and type when data is entered. Data entered in the Analysis section is translated using the Deferred Analysis default rules and posted in the Detail section with the appropriate Tag and Deferred Type.


Click the +Expand link to display a preview of the Deferred Balances report (pre-tax). The column headers are those established in Dataset Administration Manage Deferred Rollforwards.
The OTHER ENTRIES row populates all items entered in the Detail section that cannot be uniquely classified because of multi tags or multi-type entries in Manage Deferred Rollforwards.
To display the data entry section, click Create New or Edit.
If you choose Use Ending Balance for a Code, the Ending Balance Override option is automatically selected in the Analysis section. You can edit the Ending Balance for book and tax.


Class Datasets

It uses the Dataset level Manage Deferred Rollforwards page to set a default class and adjustment type when data is entered. Data entered in the Analysis section is translated using the Deferred Analysis default rules and posted in the Detail section with the appropriate "Posting Class" and "Posting Column."

Click >><<Expand to view all columns on the Deferred Balances report (pre-tax). The column headers are those established in the Dataset level Manage Deferred Rollforwards screen.
Click Add or Edit to enter data.
Choosing Post to Ending Balance for a Code enables you to edit the Ending Balance for book and tax.


Screen Entry Fields - Analysis


Beginning Balance

Beginning balances are read-only.


Code - Description

The code and description are established by an Administrator for the temporary difference.



There are two types of temporary difference balances - Current and Non-Current. Select the type that best relates to the balance sheet account where the deferred tax asset or liability should be represented.


Override Unit Rates

You can override the unit rates designated under Unit Details for a specific temporary difference line by clicking the Override unit rates check box.


Book Amount

Enter the Book amount. The system displays the Tax-Book Difference based on how it should display in the Deferred Rollforward name listed.


Tax Amount

Enter the Tax amount. The system displays the Tax-Book Difference based on how it should display in the Deferred Rollforward name listed.