
The Journal entry report can be configured to an expanded version. Each of the provision calculations in the system and data in either the taxes per book fields or trial balance lines can be combined to create a journal entry report. Several parameters need to be added to use configurable JE functionality. The Journal Entries configuration screen allows Administrators to configure how calculations and other data display in the Output Journal Entries section.


An appropriate License Code and License Key are required to view Configurable JE reports. Administrators can enter this information by selecting the Administration area and clicking Administration > System folder > Manage Licenses. Licenses are in the format below.




Configuration Options

Level of Data

The lines of the Journal Entry can be set up to show the results on a summarized basis or a more detailed basis. The level at which a company keeps their tax accounts determines the number of required lines. Some require that even if they are all going to one account, the components of the journal entry need to be entered at the lower level.


Types of Data

You can configure the various components of the provision:

The standard current and deferred tax impact of the provision.
The impact of "Equity" items on an income statement and balance sheet.
Other items that occur, such as the impact of RTP and uncertain tax positions.
The impact of an amount provided from a previous quarter in the payable or deferred tax asset/liability unit-by-unit.
You can set up units at a granular level. Units within a filing group can be booked on the parent or on the unit. Journal entries are calculated for both.
Mappings are for "Federal" amounts or "State" amounts.


The configuration is determined on a unit-by-unit basis in the Data Input area under Unit Administration in the Journal Entries screen. The established configuration can be created once and imported across all units. Each unit must be configured for their JE, but it can be imported using the Import Numbers template with the following sheets: #JES# Journal Entries, #JETAX# JE Tax Calcs, and #JEGL# JE GL Calcs.



JE reports can be viewed on a single unit, filing group, sub consolidated, or consolidated basis, providing the local currency is the same. Reports are located in Output Journal Entries. Up to 99 custom reports can be configured to appear for Output Journal Entries.
All users are able to view JE reports.
Amounts display in a Credit Debit format.
Unlike most reports, this functionality is not self-reconciling. There are no system checks. Make sure you have configured the Journal Entry, correctly.


Note: The Configurable JE module provides a flexible mechanism for generating tax Journal Entries. There are a number of factors to consider when configuring this module. For further assistance, contact either your Client Manager or the support department.