Copy and Summarize

Data is cleared from the target unit as the first step. Then data is copied from the source unit to the target unit. There are two options for copying data from the source unit to the target unit: Copy Detail by Tag and Summarize Detail by Tag.


Copy Detail by Tag
Each component/tag combination from the source unit is copied to the target:

copy detail by tag example.zoom90

If data exits in the target unit for a component/tag combination, it will be overwritten unless the target tag is defined on the Exclude Clearing the Data for These Tags on the Target Unit list. When data is included on the Exclude list, it will be incremented on top of the data that already exists. This is undesirable if the flow-through calculation process is to be run more than once because the source data will increment on top of itself on each run.


Summarize Detail by Tag

Each component from the source unit is summarized into the Summarization Tag before it is copied to the target:

Summarize Detail by Tag Example


Note: All data for the X tag will be deleted prior to processing.