Dataset Import

Dataset "Categories" can be imported or exported using the category spreadsheet.

To import a new dataset, complete the appropriate fields on the #CD# Datasets worksheet in the import categories template.
For more information on importing, refer to the importing templates documentation.


To import categories:


1.Select Administration and then Import Categories.
2.Specify the Categories Import File and then click Open.
3.For "Categories Imported Successfully", click OK.
4.View the Import Log.


Dataset "Numbers" can be imported or exported using the numbers spreadsheet.


To import numbers:


1.Select Data Transfer.
2.In the "Control Center", select the original Dataset.
3.In the "Import" folder, click Spreadsheet Import (Dataset).
4.The dataset selected in the control center appears for "Choose the Target Dataset."
5.Click Next.
6.To "Choose the format and file for source spreadsheets".
7.Click the ellipsis and then specify the Numbers Import File.
8.Click Open and then Add.
9.Click Next and then Import.
10.For "Import Complete. Please review log", click OK.
11.View the Import Log (Dataset).