Dataset Parameters


The tag used to designate RTP Deferred Only adjustments is configured using the RTPTAG and DORTPTAG dataset parameters when you:


1.Select the Provision dataset.
2.In the Control Center, select 2012 Return from the dataset drop-down list.
3.In the Navigator, click Data Input > Dataset > Administration > Dataset Parameters.


2014.0 RTPTAG dataset parameters


Dataset parameters HOLDSRTP_2012 and HOLDSDORTP_2012 will be system-generated in the 2013 Current Provision once the Post Ret-to-Prov menu option has been activated in the 2012 Return. The value entered for the dataset parameter RTPTAG sets the tag used in HOLDSRTP_YYYY and the value entered for the dataset parameter DORTPTAG sets the tag used in HOLDSDORTP_YYYY. If tags are not specified in RTPTAG and DORTPTAG, HOLDSRTP_YYYY will default to R and HOLDSDORTP_YYYY will default to Q.

Note: If you are using multiple RTPs, you should manage tags through the RTPTAG and DORTPTAG dataset parameters, so that the system distinguishes the adjustments separately. See the Example of Multiple RTP Adjustments section for more information.