

Select Freeze to enable the freeze panes functionality and lock the headers for the area that you want to review on the screen.
Select a cell on the screen and the screen will lock so that when you scroll to the right and down the screen maintains only the data that you want to view.
Select Freeze, to designate a fixed number of rows that will display across the top and lock column headers to the left. The data will be displayed as you scroll to the right and down.


Column Size

You can modify the size or hide columns.

Note: You have the ability to hide columns by dragging them to the left.  When you Run a report, only the data you view on screen will print on the report.


You can choose Unfreeze to unfreeze panes.


Contract All (Expand All) lines

You have the ability to Contract All or Expand All lines of detail on a report. Depending on the report, line items will be grouped together on the report and may be expanded or contracted using the + sign or - sign. You will have the ability to make a report smaller and/or define the detail displayed on the report for printing. The report will print the line items as they are displayed.  For example, if you have expanded permanent differences then all permanent differences will print while the contracted line items will print only that line.


Display Grid Lines

Displays a grid view and allows an Excel-like grid, look and feel. You may expand the column width by clicking on the line and using the crosshairs dragging the column just as you would do in Excel.  The grid lines will print when you run the report.


Note: You do not have the ability to enter data on reports.


Highlighting the Row/Column

Highlighting allows you to identify a row and column easily by highlighting the row and column. Gives you a visual view to help you see where you are on the screen as you scroll across the screen.  Click on the row or column and drag your mouse to highlight the cells to review specific data.


Alternate colors for every other row

The reports will have alternating colors on the rows to allow easier review of the data. Every other row is displayed with a gray background.