Import Error Messages

Import Categories

“incomplete/badly formatted data” – Necessary information is missing.



import NOL temporary differences
incomplete/badly formatted data, sheet #CNOLTD# NOL TempDiffs, line 3


Go back to the page indicated and check that you have entered all the necessary information.

Import Numbers

“Badly formatted data” – Not enough information for that unit/perm diff/temp diff, etc. Means the same thing as “Incomplete record.” Found in #UTA# Unit Tax Adjustments, #UTBBS# Unit Trail BalSheet.


import state tax adjustments
D1000/NY/STA1000: badly formatted data


Verify that you have entered information into all the mandatory fields.

“Incomplete record” – Not enough information for that unit/perm diff/temp diff, etc. Means the same thing as “Badly formatted data.”


import temporary differences
D1000/T1000/: incomplete record


Verify that you have entered information into all the mandatory fields

“Key references non-existing categories” – When you have referenced a unit, temp diff, or perm diff that has not yet been created in import_categories.


import NOL temporary differences
D1000/NOL1000/D: key references non-existing categories


Go back to import_categories and create that unit, temp diff, or perm diff in the appropriate page (e.g., #CU# Units to create a unit). Then go to import_numbers and input the information for that unit, temp diff, or perm diff in the appropriate page (e.g., #U# Unit for a unit, #UPD# Unit Perm Diffs for a permanent difference, etc.).

If you’ve already created the unit, temp, perm diff, etc., and the error message is still coming up, make sure that you have not entered a space before any of the codes. For example, “ D1000” should be “D1000”.

“No parent record” – When you have referenced a unit, temp diff, or perm diff that exists (i.e., has been created in import_categories), but for which no record has been created in import_numbers.


import NOL temporary differences
D2000/NOL1000/D: no parent record


Go to import_numbers and input the information for that unit in the appropriate page (e.g., #U# Unit to create a unit record, #UPD# Unit Temp Diffs for a temporary difference, etc.