Reporting Datasets

In the Administration section, you can create Reporting Datasets. When creating a Reporting Dataset, you combine multiple datasets into a single dataset for reporting. There are two types of reporting datasets: Sequential and Additive.

You can modify the name and units assigned to an existing reporting dataset.
Reporting datasets are for viewing purposes, only. You must update data in the original dataset and then re-create the reporting dataset to see the changes.
When deleting a reporting dataset, export the categories for a backup file because the dataset cannot be restored.

To import a reporting dataset, complete the appropriate fields in the #CRD# Reporting Datasets sheet in the Import Categories template. Although the sheet is in the Import Categories template, the sheet is not imported when you select the Import Category option in the Administration section. To import the Reporting Datasets mappings, use the Import Reporting Dataset functionality. The mappings are added only if the dataset names match the names of the related datasets in Manage Datasets, Datasets, exactly.

Note: For more information on importing, refer to the Importing Templates documentation.