Save Options


You can create and review reports in CSV, PDF, XLXS, and XLS file formats by using the Save drop-down list.

1.Click Save and then the file type.

2014.0 reports save as


The following reports may take additional time to export and therefore have been recommended to be printed in the .CSV format.

Tax Provision - View: Detail - Consolidated level
ETR - View: Detail - Breakout all-Consolidated level
State Summary, Provision Summary - Breakout by unit, by state - Consolidated level


2.Click Save and select CSV.
3.Once the download is complete, click Open.

2014.0 download complete


The CSV Worksheet with your report data appears to review and print.

2014.0 save as csv file


To save the file, click Save then select the folder to save the file in.

Click Save.

2014.0 reports save in


Note: For large reports, select the Save drop-down and select CSV.

The following File Download dialog box displays the file type selected, as PDF.

Click Open to access the report in a PDF file format.

2014.0 reports save as pff


The report displays in Adobe Acrobat to review and print.

2014.0 reports save open pdf file


Note: The footer of the report will display the Date, Time, and Page.