Saving Dashboard Settings in a New Bookmark

To save a dashboard configuration as a new bookmark:

1.Adjust the dashboard settings (filtering selections, menu choices, annotations, and so forth) as desired to obtain the configuration that you want to save.
2.Select the Bookmark button in the right side of the toolbar. This opens the Bookmark menu.
3.Select the Save as New Bookmark option. This opens the Bookmark Properties dialog box.

2014 analysis bookmark menu

4.If desired, enter a name for the new bookmark in the Name field. (The default bookmark name is the current date/time.)

2014 analysis bookmark properties dialog box

5.Select Private to make the bookmark visible the user. Select Shared so other you of the dashboard can use the bookmark.

If you select Shared, select All Users to share the bookmark with all dashboard you or select Same Groups to share the book­mark only with you that belong to one or more of the current user groups. (User groups are configured by an administrator.)

6.Choose the Read-only option so other you cannot modify this bookmark. Otherwise, any user who shares this bookmark can change the bookmark settings.
7.Click OK to save the bookmark.