Unit Sub-Consolidations

In administration, for Manage Units, Unit Sub-Consolidations allows you to create and maintain the sub-consolidations. You can add, edit, copy, and delete sub-consolidations, as needed. The user-defined Display Name, as well as the associated units, can be edited. When deleting sub-consolidations, use care because they are not recoverable.

Note: Sub-Consolidations can be assigned to datasets to allow better control of Read-Only datasets.

For the Available Units listed, you can filter, select, and assign units to a sub-consolidation.

The Available Units can be filtered by:

Unit Code
Unit Name
Unit Type

To import a new Sub-Consolidation, complete the appropriate fields on the #CSC# SubConsolidations sheet in the Import Categories template. Additionally, you can create a sheet named #CSC2#, which allows the ability to create and populate multiple sub-consolidations for a unit. Column A should have the Unit Code and Columns B through IV should have the CSCs in which the unit should be included.

The #CSC# worksheet allows you to:

1. Create sub-consolidations.

2. Define the relationship between Tier 1 and Tier 2 sub-consolidations.

3. Assigns sub-consolidations to datasets.


The #CSC2# worksheet assigns sub-consolidations to units.

1. For Unit Code column, enter the the unit code.

2. For the SubConsol Assignment enter the Name (Display Name).

Existing unit designation in a CSC is replaced, not appended, when the #CSC2# is imported. This sheet does not export when categories are exported and is not in the standard template for import categories. For more information on importing, refer to the Importing Templates documentation.

Screen Entry Fields


The name is user-defined and can be any combination of alpha and numeric characters, including spaces, up to 60 characters. You can edit the "Display Name", if needed.

The name displays in the Report Level of the Control Center and the header of reports for sub-consolidations.
There is no limit to the number of sub-consolidations that can be created.
CSC Sub-Consolidations have specific naming requirements.
You can lock selected Sub-Consolidations by choosing them and then the Lock selected Subconsolidation option.
The list can be filtered by selecting the header row.


Sub-Consolidation Members


To assign a unit to a Sub-Consolidation:

1.Select the unit in Available Units.
2.Click the right arrow to add the unit to Assigned Units.



Sub-Consolidations are dataset specific and your selections control the Sub-Consolidation drop-down list available in the Control Center.

To assign the Datasets:

1. Select the unit in Available Datasets.

2. Click the right arrow to add the unit to Assigned Datasets.

unit sub consolidation