User Groups

With User Groups, you can assign Members, Permissions and Classes to users. There are three default Groups: Administer, Read Only and Read/Write. You can create forty-seven additional user groups to have fifty groups in total. Also, you can sort and filter the lists in the columns to quickly find details.

You can manually add groups or use the import process to add the additional User Groups. To import User Groups, update the #CUSRGP# tab within your categories import spreadsheet file.

Note: Upon upgrade from v9.2 to v2013, ONESOURCE Tax Provision will create two user groups for existing Global Access users (OTP-GAM Read-Write and OTP-GAM Read-Only). The Non-Administrator Global Access users are automatically assigned to one of these two groups based on their current access rights, for example, Read-Write or Read-Only. During the upgrade, ONESOURCE Tax Provision will mimic the Global Access permissions setup in Manage Configurations so that the Global Access user does not see a difference in the application after the upgrade. After the upgrade, the Administrator can reassign the Global Access users to different user groups, if necessary.

User Groups Permissions v2013.1


To Sort the details:

1.Click the header row.
2.Click the arrow in the middle of the column header.


To Filter the details:

1.Click the header row.
2.Click the arrow for the column heading and then select the filter criteria.
3.Click Filter.


To remove the Filter:

1.Click the header row for the heading you want to filter.
2.Click the arrow and then select the filter criteria.
3.Click Clear.


Note: Select Change View to switch the view from the Horizontal view to the Vertical view and vice versa.

change view button