Add Headings

The Header Options box provides the option to add headings above the data or to the left of the data to mapped data.

To add a heading to the left of the data:

1.After mapping data on the worksheet, click the header box to the right of the mapping indicator lines.

excel add in Add Heading 8.2.14

2.Select Place XML Heading to the Left.
3.The heading is placed in the selected location.

excel add in place heading in XML location 8.2.14


Note: If you do not want to lose existing data when placing a header, be sure the cell is blank or previously mapped.


A.By selecting Place XML Heading to the Left, the data to the left of the element is not mapped, and the new heading replaces the existing data.
B.If the data to the left is mapped, the Place XML Heading to the Left option is greyed on the menu. You cannot overwrite the data.

To add a heading above the data:

1.Select Place XML Heading Above. If no heading is typed on the worksheet, the title appears from the corresponding XML Source pane element.

excel add in place heading above 8.2.14


2.If a title currently exists, it is replaced by the title from the XML Source pane.