Deferred Balances Report in the Expanded (Balance Sheet) View
• | Beginning Balance column balances are converted using the Beginning Spot rate and the Beginning Tax rate. |
• | The Rate Change column creates an adjustment to restate the Beginning Balance column at the Ending Spot rate and the Ending Tax rate. |
• | All other Columns are converted using the Ending Spot rate and the Ending Tax rate. |
• | The Ending Balance is the sum of the columns and is effectively the Ending Balances converted using Ending Spot Rate and the Ending Tax rate. |
Deferred Balances Report in the CIR Expanded (Balance Sheet) View
• | The Rate Change column is broken out into FX Rate Change and Def Rate Change. |
• | The FX Rate Change is the impact of the FX rate change on the beginning balance, including the impact of any FX rate change from a change in the deferred rate. |
• | The Deferred Rate Change is the impact of the deferred rate change on the beginning balances. |
• | More detail on each of the rate change activities can be displayed by viewing the Deferred Balances report in the Expanded (Income Statement) view. |

FX Rate Change
The FX Rate Change is the impact of the FX rate change on each of the beginning balances, including the impact of any FX rate change from a change in the deferred rate:
(Beginning Balance / Beginning FX Spot Rate)
– (Beginning Balance / Ending FX Spot Rate)
+ (Beginning Balance X (Ending Deferred Rate – Beginning Deferred Rate) / Ending FX Spot Rate)
– (Beginning Balance X (Ending Deferred Rate – Beginning Deferred Rate) / Weighted Avg FX Rate)
Def Rate Change Computations
The Deferred Rate Change is the impact of the deferred rate change on each of the beginning balances. [((Beginning Balance X Ending Deferred Rate) / Weighted Avg FX Rate) – ((Beginning Balance X Beginning Deferred Rate) / Weighted Avg FX Rate)].
Deferred Balances Report in the Expanded (Income Statement) View
• | Currency Translation Adjustment. |
• | Deferred Balances in USD are translated from Local Currency Balances using the Beginning and Ending Spot FX Rates. |
• | USD Change in Deferred Balances. |
• | Deferred Expense in USD is translated from the Local Currency Activity using Weighted FX Rates |
• | Currency Translation Adjustment Computation |
• | Adjusts the Weighted Average FX Impact and the Ending Spot FX Rate |
Detail of CTA Calculation Components
Information for the Calculation:
Beginning Temporary Difference Balance
Temporary Difference Activity
Beginning FX Spot Rate
Current Tax Rate
Ending FX Spot Rate
Beginning Deferred Tax Rate
Weighted Average FX Rate
Ending Deferred Tax Rate
