
You can add multiple classes and subclasses. A "Default" class and subclass are available in the application. A subclass can be a description. The combination of the class and subclass makes the tax adjustment entry unique.

There are four types of Classes:

Data Entry
Flow Through


Lock Selected Class

Select the Lock Selected Class to prevent a user from deleting, changing the name, or removing assignments. Just check a box "Lock Selected  Class". User will see the lock icon next to the class.


Select Default to select the class and subclass that will be the default.

Horizontal & Vertical View horizontal_vertical view

Click Horizontal & Vertical View to change the view from "Horizontal" to "Vertical", if desired.


Expanded & Contracted View expand contract view button

When expanded, you can view the entire list of Classes and Subclasses.

1.Click the arrow for a "Class" to view the Subclass.
2.Click the arrow for the "Subclass" to view the Subclass Description.

Data Entry

Data Entry classes and subclasses are "User-Defined." These classes & subclasses are assigned to tax adjustments by an administrator. The system classes are assigned to user groups.


Default Class

DEF - Default


Default Subclass

Default - Default


Flow Through

Flow Through classes are "User-Defined."  The subclasses are created by the application. These classes are assigned to certain tax adjustments by the system. The system classes are assigned to user groups by an administrator.


Default Class

FT - Flow Through

Note: Point to the Flow-Through folder and the message appears "System creates default subclass during Flow-Through process based on the selected source & target units."


Transfer classes are "User-Defined." The subclasses are created by the application. These classes are assigned to certain tax adjustments by the system. The system classes are assigned to user groups by an administrator.

Default Class

XFR - Transfer

Note: Point to the Transfer folder and the message appears "System creates default subclass during Transfer process based on the selected source & target units."


System classes and subclasses are created by the application. These Automation classes & subclasses are applied to certain tax adjustments. The system classes are assigned to user groups.

Default Subclasses

Auto - System Automation

AMT - AMT Automation
Default - Default
NOL - NOL Automation
PAYABLE - Payable Posting
PAYABLE - Payable Reclass
VA - VA Automation


Estim Pay - ONESOURCE Estimated Payments

Default - Default

Estim Pay IncTax - ONESOURCE Income Tax

Default - Default


Default - Default


Default - Default


RTP - Return to Provision

RTP_BSO - RTP Balance Sheet Only
RTP_DO - RTP Deferred Only


State App - ONESOURCE State Apportionment

Default - Default


New Classes & Subclasses


To add "Classes & Subclasses":

1.Select Administration and then Manage Data Options.
2.Click Classes/Subclasses and then one of the classes. For example, click Data Entry.
3.Select the Plus Sign to add a "New Class/Subclass" and then type the "New Class" Code.
4.The default is to have the Display Name same as Code.
5.Click Display Name same as Code to remove the option.
6.Type the Display Name.
7.Click Sub-Tier of and then Class. For example, click Default, GL Automation, or Pre-Tax Book Income.
8.Click OK.


Edit Classes & Subclasses

To edit a "Classes & Subclasses":

1.Select the Class/Subclass and then Edit.
2.Click Edit Class/Subclass.
3.Type the "New Class" Name.
4.Click OK.


Delete Classes & Subclasses

To delete a "Classes & Subclasses":

1.Select the Class/Subclass and then click Delete. A message appears Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)?.
2.Click Cancel to close without deleting the class/subclass.
3.Click OK to delete.