Component Types

Available Component Types

The Available Component Types are assigned to the Classes/Subclasses. You can select one or multiple component types and then assign them to a class/subclass. You can sort the Component Types list by Name and Assigned Classes.  Also, you can filter the Component Types list.

To assign Component Types to Classes & Subclasses:

1.Select the Class/Subclass.
2.In Available Component Types, select a Component Type and then click the arrow to assign the component type. The Component Type is moved to the Assigned Component Type list.
Select the Data Entry Rule, Activity, Deferred or Balance Sheet.
oIf the component is an Ending Balance, selecting the box enables you to enter only the book and tax ending balance based on the selected class and is used for the Ending Balance Posting.
oIf the component is OCI, then Activity and Balance Sheet are greyed out.
3.To Post the Ending Balances, select the Assigned Component.
4.To add multiple component types to classes/subclasses, hold down the Ctrl key and then select the Component Type.
5.Click the arrow to assign the component types.
6.Click Save.


Select the Tool Tip tool tip and a message appears "When using classes, only the selected columns are available for Data Entry. When the Post to Ending Balance checkbox is selected, the variance between Beginning and Ending Balance is posted to the selected column for Temp Diffs - Book/Tax Basis only."