Dashboard Toolbar

The dashboard toolbar has the following buttons:

Previous: Undoes the most recent action.

2014 dashboard toolbar previous button

Next: Restores the most recent action that was undone.

2014 dashboard toolbar next button

Refresh: Updates the dashboard with current data.

2014 dashboard toolbar refresh button

Bookmark: Opens the Bookmark menu, in which you can save a bookmark or load a previously saved bookmark. By using a bookmark, you can save modifications (filtering selections, menu choices, annotations) that they have made to the dashboard. When you reopen the bookmark in the future, the settings that they saved are reapplied to the current data.


2014 dashboard toolbar bookmark button

Email: Sends an export of the dashboard to another person.

2014 dashboard toolbar email button

Print: Prints the dashboard on any available printer.

2014 dashboard toolbar print button

Export: Exports a copy of the dashboard to Excel, PowerPoint or PDF format.

2014 dashboard toolbar export button