Expected Deferred Rate

Reporting Levels:





Control Center Configurable Options:






Source Data:

State Details

Available Views:



The Expected Deferred Rate (State Summary) report in the Provision and Interim datasets displays the state expected deferred tax rate for units that have states with active records. The expected deferred rate is computed by multiplying each state's ending deferred rate times the ending apportionment factor. The rate does not take into consideration the federal deductibility percentage. This report is activated by adding the system parameter.  To activate the Expected Deferred Rate functionality, an Administrator needs to add the following system parameter in Administration > System > Manage Configurations. In the Reporting area, for the State Level, Add Expected Deferred Report.  1=Yes and 0=No


Provision Items

State Ending Deferred Rate


Report Views

Defaults to a detailed view.


Line by Line

For each unit in the sub-consolidation/consolidation, there is a line for each state.