Export Categories

It may be valuable to export the categories listed in the system at any given time. These exports can work as a backup method to secure data, as well as shorten the amount of time it takes to do a mass edit. When Exporting categories you are asked two questions: Do you want to export Unit Component? and Do you want to export User Component information?. You can select Yes or No to either question. Keep in mind that there are typically many lines of data on the #CUC# and #CUNC# sheets, so selecting Yes for either of these options dramatically increases the size of the file and the time it takes to generate.


Tax Basis/Return Mapping items can be exported to an Import Return Maps template. In Administration > Manage Tax Basis/ Return select Export Mappings. This generates a file with two sheets: #MBAL# Map Balance Sheet Mappings and #MINC# Map Income Statement. Exporting before items have been entered generates a blank Import Return Maps template.