Forecast Deferred Provision

Reporting Levels:


Filing Group



Control Center Configurable Options:






Source Data:

Unit Details, Temporary Differences, After Tax Temporary Differences, NOL Temporary Differences, State Temporary Differences, State After Tax Temporary Differences,  State After Apportionment Temporary DIfferences

Available View s:

Federal / State + FBOS

Summary / Detail / Unit

Expanded (I/S)

All / Current / Non-current


The Forecast Deferred Provision report for Interim Forecast datasets shows the amounts that make up the total forecast deferred provision. Selecting an amount with a hyperlink opens a supporting Forecast Rate report.


Provision Items

Current Provision
Rate Impacting Items


Report Views

The Summary, Detail and Unit options display balances with various levels of detail. To view the Summary, click Summary. The Detail view shows the report in a detailed view. The Unit view groups balances into a single line for each unit in the sub-consolidation or consolidation.
The Federal and State + FBOS options determine the rates that apply to the temporary differences. The default unit rates or the rates you enter to overwrite the unit rate are applied for a specific line item.
The All, Current and Non-current options allow the report to be filtered by balance sheet status.
A single column can be expanded to see the underlying unit-by-unit data by selecting Breakout.


Line by Line

Temporary Differences: Data Input > Forecast > Federal/State > Temporary Differences – Tax Basis, Temporary Differences – Book/Tax Basis, State Temporary Differences – Tax Basis and State, State After Apportionment Temporary Differences – Tax Basis in the interim section.
NOL Reclass: Data Input > Forecast > Federal > NOL Temporary Differences – Tax Basis in the interim section.
After Tax Temporary Differences: Data Input > Actual > Federal/State > After Tax Temporary Differences – Tax Basis and State After Tax Temporary Differences – Tax Basis in the Interim section.


Column by Column

Activity: The tax effect of temporary differences entry in the activity column in Data Input > Forecast in the interim section.
Effect Dfrd: The tax effect of rate differences for the beginning of year balances.
Effect Rate Diffs : The tax effect of rate differences for temporary differences in the Activity column.
Dfrd Only Adjs : The tax effect of temporary differences entry in the deferred only column in Data Input > Forecast in the interim section.