How to Add Analysis Datasets

Available Datasets

You can assign and remove Analysis Datasets to maintain the available datasets calculated in the Analysis page. You can assign one or multiple datasets to Available Analysis Datasets. In the All Datasets list, you can sort by Name and Assigned Classes. You can also filter the Dataset list.


To add datasets to Analysis:

1.In Administration, click Manage Datasets and then Analysis Datasets.
2.In All Datasets, select a Dataset. To add multiple datasets, hold down the Ctrl key and then select the datasets.
3.Click the right arrow to assign the datasets. The dataset(s) will move to the Available Analysis Datasets list.
4.Click Save.


To remove the Datasets:

1.Select the dataset in Available Analysis Datasets.
2.Click the left arrow to remove the dataset.
3.Click Save.


Dataset Details

You can review the following dataset properties for All Datasets and Available Analysis Datasets: Name, Status, Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period and Type.


To Filter the dataset details:

1.Click the header row for the column you want to filter.
2.Click the arrow and then select the filter criteria.
3.Click Filter.


To remove the Filter:

1.Click the header row for the column you want to filter.
2.Click the arrow and then select the filter criteria.
3.Click Clear.

Note: Select Change View to switch the view from the Horizontal view to the Vertical view and vice versa.