Import Categories Template

The Import Categories Template is typically stored in the C:\Program Files\Thomson Reuters\Tax Provision 2014.1.0.0\Templates folder. You can also export categories by selecting Export Categories in Administration.
The Import Categories template contains the following sheets: #ADS# Archive Datasets,  #ARDS# Archive Reporting Datasets, #CATTD# AfterTax TempDiffs, #CD# Datasets, #CDRF# Def RollForwards, #CDSR# Dataset Relations, #CRD# Reporting Datasets, #COU# Countries, #CUR# Currencies, #CDRF# Def RollForwards, #CIFTD# Incl. for Temp Diffs, #CLRF# Liab RollForwards, #CNOLTD# NOL TempDiffs, #CNRF# NOL RollForwards, #CP# Parameters, #CPRU# ParamsReportsUser, #CPD# Permanent Differences,#CPTBI# PTBI Codes, #CPYBK# Payable Buckets, #CPYRL# Payable Rollups, #CPYTP# Payable Txn Types, #CRU# Component Rollup Sets, #CS# States, #CSAATD# St AfterApp TempDiff, #CSATTD# St AfterTax TempDiff, #CSC# SubConsolidations, #CSTA# St Tax Adjs, #CTA# Tax Adjustments, #CTBL# Trial Balance Lines, #CTBSL# Trial Balance SubLines, #CTD# Temporary Differences, #CTDP# Temp Diff Postings, #CU# Units, #CUC# User Components, #CUSR# Users, #CUSRGP# Group Permissions, Users#ICOTXNT# Inter Co Txn Types,  #ICOTRTT# Inter Co Trtmnt Types, #CUNC# Unit Components, and #CUNCM# Unit Component Multiple,#JEN# Journal Entry Numbers.


Warning: Do not modify the portion of the sheet names between the # signs. If you do so, the sheet will be ignored upon import.

To use the templates you must keep the columns in the same order and begin entry on the third row. Support documentation can be included in a file and does not interrupt the import process, as long as sheet names do not have a defined template name.
If there are duplicate rows for the same item, the later row overrides the earlier row.
Blank cells are ignored on import.
Even though you receive an error message if you leave a row blank, all data in rows beneath the blank one will be imported.
The Import Categories template often requires that all columns be completed for items to add during import.
Do not change the order of the sheets in the template.


Note: For more information on importing categories, refer to the Importing Templates documentation.