Import Mappings

You can Import Bridge Mapping items using the Import Bridge Map template. The template is typically stored in the following folder: C:\Program Files\Thomson Reuters\Tax Provision 2014.1.0.0\Templates. For hosted solutions, you can export the mappings to generate the template. The file can contain any of these sheets: #MPTBI# Pre-Tax Book Income, #MTA# Tax Accounts, #MPD# Perm Diffs, #MTD# Temp Diffs - Tax Basis, #MTDBOS# Temp Diff BSO, #MAPD#  Amortized Perm Diffs, #MATD# Temp Diffs - Bk Tx Basis, and #MTBBB# Trial Balance.

Warning: Importing bridge mappings clears all existing mappings. If you append to existing mappings, you should export them and add to that file, rather than using a new file.