Journal Entry Profiles

By using Journal Entry Profiles, you can set up a Profile Definition, Journal Entry Lines and then Assign Units. The journal entry profile is created within the Dataset.

Journal Entry Profiles allow you to create multiple journal entry configurations and assign them to one or more units.
You can create a Classes or a Tags dataset for journal entry profiles.
Each unit can have either Journal Entry profiles or Unit Journal Entry configurations, not both.
oJournal Entry profiles are located within Data Input dataset administration.
oThe Unit Journal Entry configuration page is located in the Data Input administration for Federal and State.


New Journal Entry Line (Dataset Level)

To configure the Journal Entry Line:

1.Select Data Input and then Dataset.
2.Select Administration and then Journal Entry Profiles.
3.Select Journal Lines.
4.Click the plus sign to add a new journal entry line.
5.Click OK.


New Journal Entry Profile (Unit Level)

To configure a Unit Journal Entry Line:

1.Select Data Input and then Federal or State.
2.Select Administration and then Journal Entry Profiles.
3.Click Create New.
4.Select the JE Type and then JE Code.
5.Select the JE Summary and type the Description.


A "Unit" does not have to be assigned to a Journal Entry Profile. The configurable Journal Entry at the unit level is the same functionality and did not change with the 2013 release.
The Journal Entry reports did not change with the 2013 release.


Warning: If you create a Journal Entry at the "Unit" level, journal entries are deleted. You will receive a message to confirm the deletion of journal entries.


The options to set up profiles include:



New Journal Entry Profile

To add a New Journal Entry Profile:

1.Select Data Input and then Dataset.
2.Select Administration and then Journal Entry Profiles.
3.Click the plus sign to add a new journal entry profile.
4.Type the Code and then the Name.
5.Type the Description.
6.Click OK.


Edit Journal Entry Profile

To edit a Journal Entry Profile:

1.Type the new Name and then the new Description.
Code cannot be edited.
2.Click OK.


Copy Journal Entry Profile

To copy a Journal Entry Profile:

1.Select Journal Entry Profile.
2.Select Copy and then type the New Code(required).
3.Type the new Name for Edit Journal Entry Profile and then Description.
4.Click OK.


Delete Journal Entry Profile

To delete a Journal Entry Profile:

1.Select Delete.
2.Click Cancel to close without deleting the journal entry profile.
3. Click OK to delete.


Profile Definition

To set up the Profile Definition:

1.Select the Journal Entry Profile.
2.To ensure you selected the correct journal entry profile, review the Code, Name, and Description.
3.For Datasets with classes:
a.Click Include All Classes to include all classes in the journal entry profile.
b.This function is for datasets created with classes.
c.This option includes all new classes.
d.To select all Source classes, select the box on the header row.
e.To define specific source classes, click the box next to the selected class.
f.You can sort and filter the "Source Class" list by Type, Code, or Class Name.
4.To select Journal Entry Codes, click Include All Classes to remove the check mark.
a.To select all Journal Entry Codes, select the box in the header row and then select each Journal Entry Code.
b.If you need to exclude a few Journal Entry Codes, select all the Journal Entry Codes and then select each Journal Entry Code, to remove the check mark.
5.Click Save.


Note: If using a Tag dataset, the Source Classes will not appear.


Journal Lines

To create new Journal Lines:

1.Click Create New.
2.Click JE Type.
This is a required field.
You will define the jurisdiction type applicable for the new journal entry.
You can select Federal, State, or both.
3.Click JE Code.
Each journal entry line must have a unique JE Code.
4.Click JE Summary.
The JE Summary is optional for data entry.
You create the user defined value for the Journal Entry Summary page within the System folder in Administration.
You can group multiple Journal Entry lines together.
oThe grouping depends on the JE Summary values created in Administration.
oThe Journal Entry lines are grouped together for Reporting.
5.Type Name.
Enter the journal entry name in the required field.
6.Select the Debit and Credit Account.
The accounts selected appear on the JE reports.

If an account value is unavailable:

1.Select Administration.
2.Click Manage Trial Balances.
3.Select Trial Balances Sublines.
4.For the JE Post column, select the account to post the JE.
7.Click Save.
8.Select the Flex 1-9 and type notes.
Click the Show/Hide button to see supplemental information.
The "Flex" fields are optional and apply to custom reports.


To change the Flex field labels:

1.Select Administration.
2.Select System.
3.Select Manage Configurations.
4.Select Advanced Functionality and then Journal Entries.
5.Type the new label name for Journal Entry Supplemental Field #1-9.
6.Click Save.

Note: To complete the setup for the Journal Entry lines, configure both the Tax and Book entries.


Tax Calculations

To set up the Tax Calculations (These steps configure the Tax journal entries):

1.Click Create New.
2.Click Tax Calc Filter to filter the list of tax calculations.
3.Click Tax Calculation to select the tax calculation.
4.Select Component to separately state a code with a tax calculation in the Difference column.
5.Type the Factor.
6.Click Save.


To delete the tax calculations:

1.Select the Tax Calculation from the Tax Calculations list.
2.Click Delete.
3.Click Delete All to delete all the Tax Calculations from the list.


GL Sources

To set up the General Ledger Sources (These steps configure the Book journal entries):

1.Click Create New.
2.Click GL Account to select the GL Account.
The list is the same for both Debits and Credits.
3.Type the Factor.
Enter a negative Factor to create a difference between the Book and Tax values (most common) in the Journal Entry report.
4.Click Save.


To delete the General Ledger Sources:

1.Select the GL Account from the GL Account list.
2.Click Delete.
3.Click Delete All to delete all the Tax Calculations from the list.


Assigned Units

You assign a Journal Entry Profile to Available Unit(s). A unit can be assigned to multiple journal entry profiles.

To assign a Journal Entry Profile to selected unit(s):

1.In the Available Units list, select the Unit(s).
To add multiple units to a journal entry profile, press the Ctrl key and then select the units.
To sort or filter the Available and Assigned Units by code or name, click the Code or Name header row.
2.Click the Right Arrow to assign the units to the Assigned Units list.
You can assign one Journal Entry Profile per unit.
3.Click Save.

Warning: Journal Entry configurations previously set up at the unit level within the Federal and State folders will be permanently removed.


4.To change the values for a selected unit:
a.Select the Unit from the Assigned Units list.
b.Click the Add Unit Flex Field Overrides add new flex fields icon icon.
c.Type the new value in the flex field.
d.Click Save to update the unit with the new value.
e.Click Cancel to leave the page without saving changes.
f.To reset all values, click Clear All Fields.


To change the view of the page layout from vertical to horizontal, click the horizontal_vertical view 2 icon in the top right corner.
When you assign a unit to a different profile, a message appears This unit has journal entry configurations defined. These records will be removed(deleted) upon save. Would you like to continue with the assignment of the unit? Select Yes, or  Yes to All to assign the profile. Select No to keep the current Journal Entry Configuration.
The Unit Code and Name are provided in Available Units (Not Already Assigned to this Profile)." The Unit Code, Name, and Override? are provided in Assigned Units.