Explorer Functionality in Detail

Range Explorer/Range Selection

The Number Format, Alignment, Font, Borders, Interior, and Protection in Active Workpapers correspond to the Number, Alignment, Font, Border, Patterns, and Protection in Excel.

Number Format - Defines how numbers display in cells.
Alignment - Defines how entries align in cells.
Font - Defines font characteristics: type, style, size, color, and so forth.
Borders - Defines how cell borders display, including line style and color.
Interior - Defines how the inside of cells appear, including pattern and color.
Protection - Defines how data in cells is treated when a sheet is protected. You can lock cells and hide formulas.
Hyperlink - Used to create hyperlinks to web addresses, email addresses, etc.
Validation - Defines the logic for confirming errors.
Conditional Format - Defines cell formatting based on logic.


Workbook Explorer

Workbook Set - Provides options for calculation logic and iteration scope.
Book# - Provides options for calculation, window formatting, protection, and shapes.
Sheet# - Defines how a sheet displays and operates, including options for formula display, zero value display, row and column headers, gridlines, protection, and tab color.

Note: Right-click on a worksheet to access the menu options for inserting, copying, deleting, renaming, and hiding worksheets.

Defined Names - Allows you to create names for cell ranges, formulas, and values and use these names in formulas.
Outline - Defines the placement of summary rows and columns in relation to detail rows and columns.
Page Setup - Provides options for printing, print preview, scaling for printing, margins, headers, and footers.
Sheet - Provides options for printing; print preview; defining the print area; printing gridlines, title rows and columns, row and column headers; and designating page order.