NOL Balances

Reporting Levels:


Filing Group



Control Center Configurable Options:






Source Data:

Unit Details, NOL Temporary Differences

Available Views:

Summary / Hybrid / Detail / Unit


Fed / State / FBOS / Fed+State+FBOS / state/fed+FBOS

All / current / non-current

Contracted / expanded (balance sheet) / expanded (income statement)


The NOL Balances report for Provision and Interim datasets displays the beginning and ending cumulative NOL balances. When it is expanded, it shows the amounts that made up the change. The default view is a pre-tax view. Balances can also display at various tax effected levels by selecting options in the upper right corner. Although this report resembles the Deferred Balances report, it can display additional information on the years the NOL arose and is expected to expire.

Provision Items

Deferred Tax Expense
Deferred Tax Asset/Liability
Currency Translation Adjustment (CTA)

Report Views

Defaults to the pre-tax and contracted views.
The Summary, Hybrid, Detail and Unit options display either rate effected or pre-tax balances with various levels of detail. The Summary view displays NOL balances by expected expiration years. The Hybrid view displays expected expiration years for sub-totals, as well as the underlying detail for each expiration year. The Detail view shows the report at a detailed level. The Unit view groups balances into a single line for each unit in the  sub-consolidation or consolidation.
The Pre-tax, Fed, State, FBOS, Fed+State+FBOS, and State/Fed+FBOS options determine the rates that should be applied to NOL temporary differences. Either default unit rates or the rates that were entered to override the unit rate for a specific line item are applied. The State+FBOS or the Fed+FBOS option displays, depending on the federal benefit of state dataset parameter that is selected.
The All, Current, and Non-current options allow the report to be filtered by balance sheet status.
The Contracted, Expanded (balance sheet), and Expanded (income statement) options allow you to view beginning balances, period changes, and ending balances in different ways. The Balance sheet view can display both pre- and post-rate, while the Income statement view only displays when a rate option is selected. The rate effected views support the Deferred Tax Asset/Liability when Expanded (balance sheet) is selected, and the Deferred Tax Expense and CTA when Expanded (income statement) is selected. The user-defined columns that display in the Expanded views are defined in the Manage NOL Rollforwards section under the Administration area.
Any single column can be expanded to see underlying unit-by-unit data by selecting Brkout. Expanded results display on the screen or export to an Excel file, depending on the version and parameter settings.

Line by Line

NOL: Data Input > Unit > NOL Temporary Differences - Tax Basis in a Provision dataset, and Data Input > Actual > Federal > NOL Temporary Differences - Tax Basis in an Interim dataset.

Column by Column

Beginning Balance: Beginning balances are typically populated by rolling over balances from prior periods. Amounts are populated in the Beginning Balance field in Data Input > Federal > NOL Temporary Differences - Tax Basis in a Provision dataset, and Data Input> Actual > Federal > NOL Temporary Differences - Tax Basis in thane Interim dataset.
Rate Change: When balances are rate effected, the system automatically adjusts the beginning balances to accommodate for any change in the deferred rate and any change to the foreign exchange rate. The difference needed to adjust the beginning balance that was rated using the beginning deferred rate and the ending deferred rate impacts the deferred tax expense. The currency translation adjustment needed to adjust the beginning balances for a change in the foreign exchange rate does not impact the deferred tax expense. It is treated as an equity item. View the report in Expanded (income statement) to display the components of the CTA calculation.
Change Columns: The columns that explain the change in NOL balances are user-defined in the Manage NOL Rollforward section. Each tag and item can be defined to up to 15 columns.
Ending Balance: Total of beginning balances and all items that occurred during the period.