Override Option

When you create a new unit, it uses the rates set at the dataset level as the default. Override Rate options in the Unit and State Details folders are now Read/Write. The default for the Override Rate options is unselected. When the Override Rate check box is selected, the rate becomes the rate at the Unit level, not for the entire dataset.

There are three views of the Override functionality in the Unit and State Details screens.

Before parameters and rates are set up, the new units created are populated with default rates. No override rate functionality is available. All rates set up for the unit and state details pages are available for the Unit level only.
oUnits created after parameters are set, but before States, Countries, and/or Currencies are populated, use default rates. Override rate functionality is available in read-only mode.
oUnits created after States, Countries, and/or Currencies are populated use dataset level rates and have override rate functionality available.