The Read Only and Read/Write user group permissions are assigned to the Access Area for the Data, Reports, Analysis, Administration and Global Access.
Permission Details
• | If Read and/or Read/Write user group have permissions assigned, a hyphen appears in the columns for the section with permissions assigned. |
• | If you do not select Read and/or Read/Write for an Access Area, the area will not appear in the navigator for Data Input, Data Transfer, and Reporting. |
• | You can assign separate permissions for the Override Rate for Temporary Differences. |
• | The selections made for States apply to all states. |
• | The selections made for Global Access apply to those pages in the Global Access application. |
To assign Permissions to a user group:
1. | Select a Group and then Permissions. |
2. | Click the plus sign to expand the Access Area. |
3. | Click the arrow and drill down to the Access Areas. |
4. | To assign permissions to all areas, click Read or Read/Read Write in the header. |
5. | To assign each Access Area, click Read or Read/Read Write for that area. |
6. | Select the minus sign to collapse the Access Area. |
Unassigned Permissions for a user group:
Access Areas without Read or Read/Read Write permissions assigned do not appear for users to see within the application.
