
The Read Only and Read/Write user group permissions are assigned to the Access Area for the Data, Reports, Analysis, Administration and Global Access.


Permission Details

If Read and/or Read/Write user group have permissions assigned, a hyphen appears in the columns for the section with permissions assigned.
If you do not select Read and/or Read/Write for an Access Area, the area will not appear in the navigator for Data Input, Data Transfer, and Reporting.
You can assign separate permissions for the Override Rate for Temporary Differences.
The selections made for States apply to all states.
The selections made for Global Access apply to those pages in the Global Access application.


To assign Permissions to a user group:

1.Select a Group and then Permissions.
2.Click the plus sign to expand the Access Area.
3.Click the arrow and drill down to the Access Areas.
4.To assign permissions to all areas, click Read or Read/Read Write in the header.
5.To assign each Access Area, click Read or Read/Read Write for that area.
6.Select the minus sign to collapse the Access Area.
7.Click Save.


Unassigned Permissions for a user group:

Access Areas without Read or Read/Read Write permissions assigned do not appear for users to see within the application.

2014.0 unassigned permissions for user group