The worksheet has a common list of action items shared by the applications. Select the ONESOURCE application in Data Transfer and the worksheet appears.

Retrieve Data
1. | To retrieve data from the application select items from the drop-down lists. For example, the Target Dataset and Year. |
2. | Click Retrieve Data. |
3. | Then, select the type of data to retrieve; the worksheet is populated with data from the application. |
4. | The types of data to retrieve differ from one application to another. Additional tabs may be created within the worksheet depending on the data transferred. |
Types of Data to Retrieve
Return Worksheet
• | Retrieves the State Rates. |
• | Retrieves the Income Tax Data. |
Estimated Payments Worksheet
• | Retrieves the State Payments. |
• | Retrieves the Federal Payments. |
• | Retrieves the Federal and State Payments. |
State Apportionment Worksheet
• | Retrieves the State Apportionment. |
Populate Data
1. | Review the data on the worksheet that transferred from the application for accuracy. |
2. | Update the data on the worksheet, if needed. |
• | If errors occur, they appear on the last column of the worksheet. |
3. | Click Populate Data to Provision to transfer the data on the worksheet to the ONESOURCE Tax Provision Data entry pages. |
• | The data transfers to the Target Dataset selected. |
• | Click New to create a new worksheet within the workbook. |
• | Click Save to save the current worksheet to the local hard drive. |
• | Click Print to send the current worksheet to the printer. |
Print Preview
• | Click Print Preview to review the current worksheet before printing. |
• | Click Cut to cut selected data within the worksheet. |
o | Data within the green cells can be updated. |
• | Click Copy to copy selected data within the worksheet. |
o | Data within the green cells can be updated. |
• | Click Paste to paste selected data within the worksheet. |
o | Data within the green cells can be updated. |