Scrunch Macro

You may choose to Scrunch your tags when rolling over a dataset.

Temporary difference activity for a single deferred balance is often entered at different times, each with a different tag. For example, imported activity is tagged with an I, bridged activity is tagged with a B, manual adjustments are tagged with a M, and return to provision adjustments are tagged with a R.

As a result, the deferred balance appears as multiple line items which may not be necessary to maintain.
The Scrunch macro aggregates multiple line items into one line.

Scrunch Rules

The macro aggregates the following Import Numbers Template sheets:

#UTD# Unit Temporary Diffs
#UATTD# Unit After-Tax Temporary Diffs
#SATTD# State After-Tax Temporary Diffs


Lines are aggregated, only if the line has:

The same deferred code (temporary difference code).
The same current/non-current designation.
The same beginning and ending deferred tax rates.

Scrunch Results

If any of the original deferred balances are tagged with an I, the aggregated deferred balance is tagged with an I.
If "None" of the deferred balances used an I tag, then the single aggregated deferred balance is assigned the tag of the first deferred balance of that aggregation when sorted by unit code, difference code, current/non-current.

Example Sequence

1.Roll over a 2012 dataset to a 2013 dataset. (Leaving multiple beginning balances for each temporary difference.)
2.Export the 2013 dataset.
3.Apply the Scrunch macro to generate a new import spreadsheet.
4.Create a new blank 2013 dataset.
5.Import the “scrunched” spreadsheet generated by the macro into the blank 2013 dataset.