Sequential Datasets

Sequential datasets are used to combine datasets from continuous periods to create a multiple period view of the data. They are ideal when dataset information on a quarter or monthly basis needs to be viewed on a year-to-date or annual basis. A sequential reporting dataset can be used to view: Month to Date data, Year to Date data, and Annual data. If the ending balances from the first dataset do not tie exactly to the beginning balances from the second dataset, a message appears, "Alignment check failed. Dataset could not be added. Please view Reporting Dataset Log.

To create a Reporting Dataset:

1.In Administration, select Manage Datasets and then Reporting Datasets.
2.Type a name for Reporting Datasets. This name must be unique and cannot be the same as a Dataset name.
3.From Type, select Sequential.
4.Click Add.
5.In the Reporting Dataset Name list, choose the Reporting Dataset. The reporting dataset will then be highlighted.
6.Select the appropriate datasets in the Datasets Represented in Reporting Datasets drop-down list.
7.Click Add.
8.To view the Reporting Dataset, in the navigator you will need to select Reports. The Sequential Reporting Dataset is now available in the Control Center drop-down list. The Type will appear as Seq for a Sequential Dataset.
9.Select the Sequential Reporting Dataset from the Dataset list.
10.Choose a report to view the data.


Additional Sequential Dataset Information

The reporting dataset can have as many datasets as necessary as long as they are in sequential order. For example, a sequential dataset could have 18 months to represent a year and a half of information or 8 quarters to represent two years.
The functionality requires that ending rates and balances in the first dataset agree with the next chronological dataset's beginning rates and balances. Although not advised, there is a parameter "Remove Sequential RDS Constraints," that can be turned on to override this check.
Rates and balances within each dataset do not change. The reporting dataset shows the net impact of all datasets in the reporting dataset.
When a dataset is added to a reporting dataset, it is locked as read-only. To make changes to the dataset, remove it from the reporting dataset. Make necessary changes and re-add it to the reporting dataset.

Note: Do not change beginning balances. Enter amounts as activity, deferred only, or balance sheet only.