Set up of Parameters

The parameters for restrictions need to be created by an administrator in the Dataset Parameters option for the Provision dataset in the system. (A read/write user cannot set up parameters.) The Parameter Value is the first part (or entire string) of the Tag or Tax Adjustment Code that becomes restricted for Read/Write users. The Parameter Type is Alphanumeric.

Note: Parameters can be created before or after entries are created. If a user is working in the system while parameters are being created, the user needs to refresh the system in order for the parameters to take effect.

For example, if the RestrictTA parameter has a value of D, the entry for D1000 is marked as Restricted. Read/Write users cannot edit the entry, nor can they create a new entry with a tax adjustment code beginning with D (D will not be available in the Code-Description drop-down list).


If the restricting tag is M, then M is part of the parameter value and parameter type. Because the RestrictTag_M was created, the entry with the tag M is marked as Tag Restricted. Read/Write users cannot edit the entry, nor can they create a new entry with any M tag.

Note: The restricting character, in the case - M, must be the Parameter Value, as well as part of the Parameter Type.