State Apportionment Worksheet

The State Apportionment Worksheet is a staging area for the ONESOURCE  State Apportionment data. Once you define the State Apportionment Worksheet and transfer the data, the State Apportionment Worksheet acquires several tabs, each which reflects the data that transferred.

Accessing the State Apportionment Worksheet

1.Select Data Transfer on the Navigator pane.
2.Click ONESOURCE State Apportionment. The "State Apportionment Worksheet" opens.
3.Verify that the Target Dataset is correct.
The transferred data from ONESOURCE State Apportionment populates the State Unit Details/ Rates page.
4.Review the Year.
The year can be changed if needed.
The application populates the available list of scenarios from ONESOURCE State Apportionment based on the year.
5.Select a Scenario from the list.
The scenario will have the same name or year as the Target dataset.
The scenario represents a set of data within ONESOURCE State Apportionment.


If the drop-down list is empty:

1.The selected Year does not have any ONESOURCE State Apportionment Data.
2.You are not connected or have access to ONESOURCE State Apportionment.
6.Select the Apportionment Type from the available options. Select Separate, Group, or Separate/Group.
The "Separate" apportionment type allows you to transfer state apportionment rates for entities filing separate returns.
The "Group" apportionment type allows you to transfer state apportionment rates for entities filing combined or consolidated returns.
7.Click Use Entity Map and then select the map.
The Use Entity Map is optional. Data transfers without selecting an entity map.
oWhen ONESOURCE State Apportionment entities and ONESOURCE Tax Provision units use the same codes an entity map is not required to transfer data.
The "Entity Map" maps the ONESOURCE State Apportionment entities to the ONESOURCE Tax Provision units.
You create maps on the ONESOURCE platform.
8.Click Retrieve State Apportionment.

Note: All available scenarios from ONESOURCE State Apportionment appear in the list.