State Level

In the State Level tab, you can activate system parameters. To find additional information about a parameter, click on the parameter name and the description will display at the bottom left of the screen.


The following parameters and descriptions include:

Enhanced View

Select Yes, to activate the Provision Summary report (under State Summary) report. The enhanced view provides an alternate view and additional functionality.

Breakout (States) view on the Unit level report will appear rather than having to export the information to Excel.
Breakout (by Unit/States) and Breakout (sub-consolidated by State) views (on the consolidated and sub-consolidated level reports) will display on screen vs. requiring to export to Excel.
Breakout (subconsolidated by State) view (on the sub-consolidated level report) will show each state column with the unit data grouped into their CSC configuration.
On the Consolidated and Sub-Consolidated levels, the default view, excel breakout (states), changes to breakout (by Unit, States). The breakout (sub consolidated by State) view displays the detail by consolidated state. The report view (on the sub-consolidated level report) will show each state column with the unit data grouped into their CSC setup.


Note: On the Consolidated and Sub-Consolidated levels, the default view, excel breakout (states), changes to breakout (by Unit, States). The breakout (sub consolidated by State) view displays the detail by consolidated state. The report view (on the sub-consolidated level report) will show each state column with the unit data grouped into their CSC setup.


Add Expected Deferred Report

Select Yes, to activate the Expected Deferred report which displays each State's Ending Apportionment Rate, Ending Statutory Rate and the two combined to make the Expected Deferred Rate on a unit by unit basis. This report displays the state ending deferred rate (ending statutory rate) and ending apportionment rate.


Add State Tax Prov Rpt Breakout Report

Select Yes, to activate the State Tax Prov Rpt Breakout report which displays the State Tax Provision broken out by State and Unit. This report has been enhanced with additional functionality and it can be displayed be viewing the State Summary/Provision Summary in the Breakout (by Unit/States) view.


Limit States on State Tax Prov Rpt Breakout

Select Yes, to choose a single State to filter the State Tax Prov Rpt Breakout Report to show that state.


Limit Units on State Tax Prov Rpt Breakout

Select Yes, to choose a single Unit to filter the State Tax Prov Rpt Breakout Report to show that unit.


Hide state report menu when no states?

This option will cause the state report menu items to be hidden if there are no states activated in the datatset. Select Yes, to hide the menu items. Select No, to have the menu items always visible.


Hide state report details when no states?

This option will cause state details to be hidden on reports if there are no states activated in the datatset. Select Yes, to hide the menu items. Select No, to have the menu items always visible.

admin_manage configurations_tax provision tab