Temporary Diffs Summary

Reporting Levels:





Control Center Configurable Options:






Source Data:

Unit Details, Temporary Differences, After Tax Temporary Differences, NOL Temporary Differences, State After Apportionment Temporary Differences, State After Tax Temporary Differences

Available Views:

By Unit: Federal Only / Federal + State / State Only

By Deferred: Federal Only / Federal + State / State Only

Sub-Totals: No Sub-Totals / Sub-Totals


The Temporary Differences Summary report for Provision and Interim datasets displays temporary and NOL differences, and separates ending deferred balances into current and non-current designations. The report lists current assets and liabilities, as well as non-current assets and liabilities, and sums them together to obtain the total value of current temporary differences and non-current temporary differences by unit. Totals for both current and non-current differences appear at the bottom of the report. Data can be viewed using Rollup codes at the Filing Group (Federal) reporting level or in the report named Temporary Differences Summary (Fed Filing Group) at consolidated and sub-consolidated levels.


Note: It is recommended that you avoid using the "default" rollup. Only view data in a rollup that is configured to display categories that are in use.


Provision Items

Deferred Tax Asset/Liability


Report Views

Defaults to the By Unit and Federal + State views of the report.
By Unit view: Displays balances sub-totalled by unit. Can be segregated by federal, federal and state, or state balances.
By Deferred view: Displays balances sub-totalled by temporary difference code. Can be segregated by federal, federal and state, or state balances.
By Sub-Totals view: Inserts two columns that sub-total the asset and liability columns in their current or non-current status.


Line by Line

Temporary Differences: Data Input > Federal/State > Temporary Differences - Tax Basis, Temporary Differences - Book/Tax Basis, State Temporary Differences - Tax Basis and State After Apportionment Temporary Differences - Tax Basis in a Provision dataset. Data Input > Actual > Federal/State > Temporary Differences - Tax Basis, State Temporary Differences - Tax Basis, and State After Apportionment Temporary Differences - Tax Basis in an Interim dataset.
NOL Reclass: Data Input > Federal > NOL Temporary Differences - Tax Basis in a Provision dataset. Data Input > Actual > Federal > NOL Temporary Differences - Tax Basisin an Interim dataset.
After Tax Temporary Differences: Data Input > Federal/State > After Tax Temporary Differences - Tax Basis, After Tax Temporary Differences - Book/Tax Basis, and State After Tax Temporary Differences - Tax Basis in a Provision dataset. Data Input > Actual > Federal/State > After Tax Temporary Differences - Tax Basis, and State After Tax Temporary Differences - Tax Basis in an Interim dataset.


Column by Column

Temporary differences are netted by item to arrive at the asset or liability determination. For only this report, temporary differences entered for each unit are considered when netting. The Temporary Differences Summary (Fed Filing Group) report nets balances across units in a filing group. The Net Deferred Asset/Liability report nets balances across units, based on the unit's country designation.
Current Assets: Temporary differences identified as C (current) that, after tax rate, have an asset balance when summed with all activity for the same temporary difference category item.
Current Liabilities: Temporary differences identified as C (current) that, after tax rate, have a liability balance when summed with all activity for the same temporary difference category item.
Non-Current Assets: Temporary differences identified as NC (non-current) that, after tax rate, have an asset balance when summed with all activity for the same temporary difference category item.
Non-Current Liabilities: Temporary differences identified as NC (non-current) that, after tax rate, have a liability balance when summed with all activity for the same temporary difference category item.