
In Administration, a unit can be added in the Manage Units screen. An existing name, unit, type, country code and currency code, currency code and description can be modified. Only a unit that has no record in any dataset can be deleted.

To import a new unit, complete the appropriate fields in the #CU# Units tab in the Import Categories template.

Screen Entry Fields

Code and Name

The unit code is user-defined and can be any combination of alpha and numeric characters, including spaces, up to 60 characters.
Unit codes must be unique.
The unit code and name appear in the Control Center and header.
The unit code by default cannot be modified after it is created.
The unit code can be modified after it is created as your corporate structure changes.
When you modify a unit code, the change is reflected in all datasets, even datasets that are locked or archived.
You must create a new mapping relationship for a modified unit code. When modified, unit codes may affect integration with other applications. Changing the code changes the unit mapping with other ONESOURCE products and will need to be remapped in order to restore integration for the unit.

Note: All relationships you've created for an original unit code in the Mapping utility in ONESOURCE are removed, including ONESOURCE Income Tax, Estimated Payments and State Apportionment. With ONESOURCE Fileroom, you will need to change the index for the unit code. Also, mapping is not automatically updated for Active Workpapers, as well as Excel Add-in and import templates that reference the old unit code.


Modify Unit Codes

To modify the unit code field, you must activate the parameter called Modify unit codes. The Modify unit codes parameter is available in the Admin tab of Administration - Manage Configurations, in the Other secondary tab. Selecting Yes for this parameter enables you to modify unit codes.

Modify Unit Code - Warning Message

2013.1 unit code warning message


Unit Type

Each unit must be designated as either Foreign or Domestic. This designation can be edited using the drop-down list.
The unit's type determines how the data is reported in the foreign/domestic report.


Country and Currency

Each unit can have an assigned Country and Currency. These selections are optional. If these fields are left blank, undetermined will display for those fields.
The software is populated with ISO Country Codes and ISO Currency Codes. These codes can be modified or added to. The default country code is U for Undetermined and the default currency code is UND for Undefined.
The currency designation of a unit allows the unit to be combined with other units in local currency reporting.



Each unit has a field to enter a description.


Administration - Manage Units - Code

2013.1 modify unit codes