Mapping Dimensions

The data within your worksheet can be mapped in several ways. When mapping the worksheet, you define the cells within the worksheet to an element within the XML Source pane. You can map one cell at a time or a group of cells. A group of cells is known as group data.

The elements within the XML Source pane are listed within folders. For example, the folder Identifiers include the elements: Dataset, UnitCode and UnitCode_EndOrDepth.

excel add in elements 8.2.14

One Dimensional

When you map data one cell at a time, your data is mapped in one dimension. Select a cell within the worksheet and then double-click the corresponding element in the XML Source pane.

excel add in 1 dimension data


Three Dimensional

You can map group data vertically (across a row) or horizontally (down a column) for a worksheet. If you map elements using the extension _EndOrDepth, you can map unit codes and adjustment codes vertically or horizontally in the worksheet.

The  _EndOrDepth element is not available for the following maps:

Unit Details
Forecast Unit Details
State Details



When you map a Unit Code_EndOrDepth and an Adjustment Code_EndOrDepth element, you must set up the data for one vertically and the other horizontally.
oIf the unit codes are mapped vertically with the _EndOrDepth element the adjustment codes must be mapped horizontally.
oIf the unit codes are mapped horizontally with the _EndOrDepth element the adjustment codes must be mapped vertically.
You will map only one Amount for a Three Dimensional map.

For example, when mapping the Federal Temporary Differences you will select one of the following component values for the map; Beg Bal or Activity or Deferred or Bal Sheet Only. To map each amount, create a three dimensional map for each component.

Example for Three Dimensional Data

You will map the Unit Codes horizontally and then Adjustment Codes vertically. A matrix of data is created by selecting the first and last Unit Codes along with the first and last Permanent Difference Codes.

To map the Unit Code group data horizontally:

1.Select a cell within the worksheet and then double-click the corresponding element in the XML Source pane.
To map a list of unit codes select the cell with the first Unit Code within the worksheet and then double-click the UnitCode element in the XML Source pane.
To include all of the units within the list select the cell with the last Unit Code and then double-click the Unit Code_EndOrDepth element.

To map Permanent Difference group data vertically:

2.Select a cell within the worksheet and then double-click the corresponding element in the XML Source pane.
To map a list of adjustment codes select the cell with the first PermDiffCode within the worksheet and then double-click the PermDiffCode element in the XML Source pane.
To include all of the adjustment within the list select the cell with the last PermDiffCode and then double-click the FederalPermanentDifferences_EndOrDepth element.

Note: You can map one Perm Diff Amount for the three dimensional map for all the amounts within the range. All data within the mapped cells are mapped. Data outside the matrix is not mapped and will not transfer.


3 Dimensional