Software Version

The application version depends on your last upgrade of the application. Every new version of the application includes additional functionality, enhancements, and fixes. To better assist you, the support group may ask you to email the About page to them.


To determine your version of the application you can review the status bar at the bottom of the page. If the status bar does not appear in the page, on the menu bar select View and then Toggle Status Bar.


You can also select the About page to see the version of the application.


To view or save the About page:

1.In the About menu, select About ONESOURCE TAX APPLICATION.
2.When the About page appears, press the Print Screen key to copy the page.
3.You can then paste the image in a word document and save it.
4.Attach the word document to your email and send it to the support team at

2014.1 about page