Actual Pre-Tax Book Income

In the Actual Pre-Tax Book Income page, users can enter Pre-Tax Book Income for a particular quarter in local currency per the US GAAP books and records for a domestic company.

2014.0 actual ptbi


The PTBI code drop-down list depends on the assignments made for the unit in Administer Permissions.
The PTBI policy and Weighted Avg FX Rate are set up in the Unit Details section of the ONESOURCE Tax Provision program by an administrator.
oDepending on the Pre-Tax Book Income policy selected, Global Access users can modify appropriate fields on this page.
oFor more information, refer to the PTBI Policies section.
Users can enter notes for each line item.
oThe program does not require users to enter notes.
oUsers can enter alphanumeric and special characters for Notes; notes can have up to 255 characters.
oNotes can be added to all data entry pages.
The Amount Totals appear in local and reporting currencies. The Income Total and Expense Total are the sum of income and expenses.
Administrators can set the permissions for the Income Totals, Expense Totals, and Amount Totals to “Show” the information is hidden by default.

Note: Administrators have the ability to apply classes, tags and group permissions. They can also hide the Pre-Tax Book Income as well as set up the Pre-Tax Book Income as read-only. For more information, refer to the Administration section.