The GAAP to STAT settings are located in the Global Access tab, in the Manage Configurations folder within the System folder, in Administration. Administrators can set up the Post GAAP to STAT RTP, as well as create permanent and temporary, GAAP to STAT and STAT to Tax tags.
Administrators must import the parameters below in order for the selections yeprovgs(gaap) and yeprovgs(stat) to appear in the Perms and Temps tabs within the Global Access tab in Manage Configurations.
To import GAAP to STAT settings, complete the required fields on the #CP# Parameters sheet in the Import Categories template:
Permanent Differences Example:
1. itstagpermsgaap-yeprovgs-1 G:Manual
2. itstagpermsstat-yeprovgs-1 S:Manual
• | Tags set up with the itstagpermsgaap-yeprovgs appear in the tag drop-down field on the Permanent Diffs GAAP/STAT data entry page. |
• | Existing records will appear with tags set up using itstagpermsgaap-yeprovgs on the GAAP/STAT perm diffs page. |
• | Tags set up with the itstagpermsstat-yeprovgs appear in the tag drop-down field on the Permanent Diffs STAT/Local TAX data entry page. |
• | The STAT/Local TAX perm diffs page will list all existing perm diff records with tags not set up using itstagpermsgaap-yeprovgs. |
Temporary Differences Example:
1. itstagtempsgaap-yeprovgs-1 G:Manual
2. itstagtempsstat-yeprovgs-1 S:Manual
• | Tags set up with the itstagtempsgaap-yeprovgs appear in the tag drop-down field on the Temporary Diffs GAAP/STAT data entry page. |
• | Existing records will appear with tags set up using itstagtempsgaap-yeprovgs on the GAAP/STAT temp diffs page. |
• | Tags set up with the itstagtempsstat-yeprovgs appear in the tag drop-down field on the Temporary Diffs STAT/Local TAX data entry page. |
• | The STAT/Local TAX temp diffs page will list all existing temp diff records with tags not set up using itstagtempsgaap-yeprovgs. |