Administrators use the Manage Questionnaires page to create multiple questionnaires and assign them to specific datasets. In order for the manage questionnaire page to appear in the navigator menu, the Advanced Questionnaire parameter must be enabled.
Questions are assigned a unique code and are ordered according to the coding scheme. For each question, Administrators assign a response type: Text, Yes/No, Yes/No or N/A, Number, Decimal, or Header.
•Selecting Header enables users to enter titles for different sections of the questionnaire.
•If the Required field is set to True, the question must be answered before sign-off.
•Questionnaires can be set up in the Import Numbers template and imported into ONESOURCE Tax Provision using the #UQUEST# Questionnaires and the #UQSTNS# Questions tabs.
•Questionnaires can have up to 3500 text characters.
•A questionnaire can be assigned to more that one dataset by using the "Copy questions from" function.