Administrators can activate parameters in the application making certain functionality, calculations, report views, and other functionality available. The four types of parameters are System, Dataset, Unit Dataset, and Unit State Dataset.
Administrators activate system parameters in Manage Restricted Features and Manage Configurations.
•Manage Restricted Features: You can set up these parameters with the assistance of support or you can import them. You can export categories from administration, update the exported file with the parameter information within the #CP# parameter sheet and then import that file. You can save the file as .xls, or .xlsx file.
•Manage Configurations: You will find a list of parameters in organized pages. Within each tab, you can activate additional functionality in the application.
•Dataset Parameters: You can set up parameters for a specific dataset. You can add these parameters in My Datasets > Datasets > More > Dataset Parameters.
•Unit Dataset Parameters: You can set up parameters for a specific unit. You can add these parameters in My Datasets > Datasets > Units > More > Unit Dataset Parameters.
•State Dataset Parameters: You can set up parameters for a specific state. You can add these parameters in My Datasets > Datasets > Units > Fed, States > Select a state > Unit State Dataset Parameters.
•Dataset parameters affect data at the dataset level.
•Unit parameters affect data at the unit level, only.
•State parameters affect data at the state level, only.
•System parameters affect data within the entire application.