In the ONESOURCE Tax Provision program, within Manage Active Datasets, administrators can assign one dataset or multiple datasets to the Global Access program. Select Multiple Dataset Configuration to add the datasets to be assigned.
Users can assign a dataset with the following:
•yeprov – Assigns a dataset or reporting dataset using standard perm/temporary data entry pages.
•yeprovgs - Assigns a dataset or reporting dataset using the separated GAAP/STAT perm/temporary pages. For example, the GAAP-STAT Permanent Differences page, STAT-TAX Permanent Differences page and so forth.
•retprov - Assigns a dataset and activates the Return-To-Provision feature.
•reporting - Assigns reporting dataset.
•Q1_forecast, Q2_forecast, and Q3_forecast - Assigns the Forecast datasets.
•Q1_actual, Q2_actual, and Q3_actual - Assigns the Actual datasets.
•retprovgs - Assigns a dataset and activates the Return-To-Provision feature using separated GAAP/STAT pages.
The top dataset appears as the leftmost dataset in the Unit List page. To update the order of datasets in the list, click Up or Down to change the dataset order.