System Set Up

The following dataset parameters are not required for Class datasets since a system class and sub-class is used for the GAAP-STAT RTP.


The dataset type must be defined as a Return (retprovgs) dataset type in Manage Active Datasets in Administration within the ONESOURCE Tax Provision application.


To enable the GAAP to STAT RTP posting, the following system parameter must be added in Manage Restricted Features.


Param key: POST_GAAP

Param value: 1

Define the GAAP tags through gstags1, gstags2, etc parameters in Manage Restricted Features.



Param key: gstags1

Param value: G


Dataset Set Up

On the RTP page, users can adjust values of the GAAP-STAT and STAT-TAX perms and temps.

The GAAP-STAT and STAT-TAX adjustments are recorded in the return dataset, with the default tags of tag H and U.

To change the default tags, create the following dataset parameters: GAAPADJTAG and STATADJTAG.



paramkey: GAAPADJTAG

paramvalue: J

The value of GAAPADJTAG must be among the tags defined by gstags parameters.

When RTP is posted to the target dataset, the GAAP-STAT true-ups will be tagged with P and the STAT true-ups with R.

Users can change the tags by using the dataset parameters in the Return Dataset GAAPRTPTAG for GAAP and RTPTAG for STAT.