Export Selected Datasets

You can select a dataset in the Control Center, and then export that data to an Excel spreadsheet. You can export dataset information to create a spreadsheet template.

To export selected datasets:

1.In the Navigator, select Data Transfer.
2.For Export, click Export Selected Dataset.
3.In the dataset list, choose the dataset to export. To add or remove all dataset selections, choose Check All or Uncheck All.
4.In Export Options, select the Entire Dataset(s), Subconsolidation or Unit.
5.Click Export and then specify your export folder.
6.Enter a File Name and then click Save to save your dataset data to an Excel file.

Note: When you export with Microsoft Office 2007, select the desired file type when you save the file, and do not use quotes in the file name.


This functionality generates a file with multiple sheets: #U# Unit, #UQ# Unit Questions, #UPD# Unit Perm Diffs, #UNOLTD# Unit NOL TDs-Tax Basis, #UTD# Unit Temp Diffs-Tax Basis, #UATTD# U AfterTx TDs-Tax Basis, #UTA# Unit Tax Adjs, #UTBBS# Unit Tax Basis BalSheet, #ULB# Unit Liability Begin Bals, #ULC# Unit Liability Changes, #UTDAM# U Temp Diff-Bk Tx Basis, #UPDAM# Unit Perm Diff Amort, #UATTDAM# U AfterTxTD-Bk Tx Bas, #FL# Fed Liability Txns, #ICOTXNS# Inter Co Txns, #DSFX# FX Rates, #S# States, #SPM# State Perm Mods, #STD# St TD-Tax Basis, #SAATD# St AfterApp TD-Tax Bas, #SATTD# St AfterTax TD-Tax Bas, #STA# State Tax Adjs, #J# Jurisdictions, #USDSP# USDS Params, #UDSP# UDS Params, #DP# Dataset Params, #JES# Journal Entries, #JETAX# JE Tax Calcs, #JEGL# JE GL Calcs, #SL# State Liability Txns, #UQUEST# Questionnaires, #UQSTNS# Questions,#UQRESP# Responses, #COU_RATES# Country Rates (Hidden), #CUR_RATES# Currency Rates (Hidden), #S_RATES# State Rates (Hidden), #CTAA# Currency Translation Adj, #DSRF# Dataset RollFrwd, #TBM# Tax Basis Mapping, #PARTH# Flow-Through Header, #PARTD# Flow-Through Detail, #PARTTAG# Flow-Through Tags, #TCM_IS# Tax Calcs Mapping IS, #TCM_BS# Tax Calcs Mapping BS, #ALTRATE# Alt Prov Rates, #ALT1# Scenario 1 Adj, #ALT2# Scenario 2 Adj, and #UAPIC# APIC  Pool Amounts.
Additional sheets may be provided by your client manager or support. They can also be imported.
Exporting before items have been entered creates a blank template. A blank Numbers Workbook template is provided with the application. Templates are typically stored in the following folder: C:\Program Files\Thomson Reuters\Tax Provision 2014.0\Templates.

Note: The following folder: C:\Program Files\Thomson Reuters\Tax Provision 2014.0\Templates not created for hosted clients.

When you export multiple datasets, one Excel file is created for each dataset.
You can select units (all units, a single unit, or a sub-consolidation of units) for export.
You can export worksheets that you have permission to access.