Non-Cash Tax Adjustments

When the Post Ret-to-Prov menu option is selected, the system automatically calculates the differences between the 2012 Provision and 2012 Return and generates them on the 2013 Current Provision as Non-Cash Tax Adjustments to true-up the Current Provision. The true-up is separated into two non-cash tax adjustments:

NC_RTP_2012_PERM, which includes Pre-Tax Book, Permanent Differences, and Tax Adjustments.
NC_RTP_2012_TEMP, which includes Temporary Difference Activity, NOL Temporary Differences Activity, and After-Tax Temporary Differences Activity.


You need to manually add the tax adjustments (or import them using Import Categories) and label them NC_RTP_2012_PERM and NC_RTP_2012_TEMP.