Integration with onesource income Tax

Transferring Data between the ONESOURCE Income Tax return and ONESOURCE Tax Provision

Integration allows you to send and receive data between the ONESOURCE Tax Provision and ONESOURCE Income Tax systems at the appropriate times of the year. This section describes the transfer process when sending data from the income tax system to the provision application and vice versa.


To transfer data to the ONESOURCE Income Tax application, you need to assign the dataset to transfer.


To transfer data to ONESOURCE Income Tax:

1.In the Navigator, select Administration.
2.Select System and then Manage Configurations.
3.Select Integration and then Return.
4.Find the parameter "Select the Dataset to Transfer data to ONESOURCE Income Tax" and then select the dataset.
5.Click Reload System Configurations.


To transfer data from the ONESOURCE Income Tax application, you need to activate the transfer parameter.

1.In the Navigator, select Administration.
2.Select System and then Manage Configurations.
3.Select Integration and then Return.
4.Click Yes to "Enable Data Transfer data from ONESOURCE Income Tax."
5.Click Reload System Configurations.

Return to Tax Provision Overview

To complete the Return to Provision transfer process from the ONESOURCE Income Tax application, you can create an empty dataset or use an existing dataset for each year. This dataset holds the data that is transferred from the Income Tax application to the ONESOURCE Tax Provision application. Previously, you had to adjust the provision data for Return to Provision (RTP) true-ups manually. The enhanced integration between the two applications allows you to update the provision data by transferring the income tax data from the return and posting the RTP true-ups. To post the RTP adjustments, you must relate the Tax Return Dataset created to the same or previous period RTP Provision Dataset, as well as, the same or future period RTP Target Dataset in the ONESOURCE Tax Provision system’s Dataset area.


Task / Steps:

1.Create a Return Dataset (for a Return to Provision Transfer) /Creating a Dataset.
2.Relate the Return Dataset (to the Final Provision and Current Provision) /Setting Up Data Relations.
3.Create a State Tax Rate Dataset (New Year Provision, Transfer State Rates) / Populate State Rates Option.
4.Return Worksheet /Return Worksheet.
5.Post Return To Provision /Posting the Return to Provision (RTP).