State Estimated Payments

The State Estimated Payments report in the Estimated Payments dataset displays the quarterly estimated payments calculation. There must be data in a Compliance dataset. The Provision dataset can be copied to create the Compliance dataset with the final Provision data. The Unit(s) to be included in the calculation must be designated as Included for Estimated Payments Calc. The information in the Tax Provision - Estimated Payments, the configuration from jurisdiction management, and the dataset's Data Range generate report data. Parameters can change this report view.

Provision Items

Projected Liability
Total Payment Due

Report Views

Default is the only available view.

Line by Line

Cash Provision: Tax Provision - Estimated Payments report Cash Provision line.
Other Income Tax: Data Input > Unit > Unit Details > Estimated Payments.
Adjusted Income Tax: Sum of Cash Provision and Other Income Tax.
Percentage Cushion: Data Input > Dataset > Administration > Dataset Parameters cushion parameter can be set by an Administrator.
Cushioned Income Tax: Adjusted Income Tax times Percentage Cushion.
Minimum Annual Tax: Data Input > Dataset > Jurisdiction Mgmt.
Projected Liability (Greater of Cushioned or Minimum): Higher of Cushioned Income Tax and Minimum Annual Tax lines.
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 Requirement and Extension Payment: Data Input > Dataset t> Jurisdiction Mgmt rates applied to Projected Liability line.
Total Required Liability YTD: Sum of Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 Requirement and Extension Payment lines.
PY Overpayment, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 Payment:
Total Payments YTD: Sum of PY Overpayment, Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 Payment lines.
Rounded Payment Due: Total Required Liability (based on the dataset Date Range) minus Total Payments YTD times rounding set by an Administrator in Data Input > Dataset > Administration> Dataset Parameters rounding parameter.
Override Calculated Income Payment?: Data Input > Unit > Unit Details > Estimated Payments.
Income Payment Override: Data Input > Unit > Unit Details > Estimated Payments .
Income Payment Due: Either Rounded Payment Due or Income Payment Override.
Franchise Payments: Data Input > Unit > Unit Details > Estimated Payments.
Total Payment Due: Sum of Income Payment Due and Franchise Payments.