Rollforward - Classes

The Rollforward page of the Tax Basis Temporary Differences is optional for data entry.

It uses the Dataset level Manage Deferred Rollforwards page to set a default class and adjustment type when data is entered. Data entered in the Rollforward section is translated using the Deferred  Entry set-up default rules and posted in the Detail section with the appropriate "Posting Class" and "Posting Column."

Click >><<Expand to view all columns in the Deferred Balances report (pre-tax). The column headers are those established in the Dataset level Manage Deferred Rollforwards screen.

Screen Entry Fields - Rollforward Section

Add New Temp Diff

To add Temporary Differences:

1.Click Add to add a "New Temp Diff."
2.Select the Temp Diff Code - Name.
3.Select the Temp Diff Type (Current/Non-Current).
4.Click Override Unit Rate to override the unit rate.
5.Type the Beginning Rate %.
6.Type the Ending Rate %.
7.Type the Ending Unit Rate %.
8.Click Save.


Edit Temp Diff

To edit Temporary Differences:

1.Click Edit to edit a "Temp Diff."
2.Select the Code.
3.Select Temp Diff Type.
4.Click Reset Class Rates to override the class rates.
5.Click Override Unit Rate to override the unit rate.
6.Type the Beginning Rate %.
7.Type the Ending Rate %.
8.Type the Ending Unit Rate %.
9.Click Save.


Delete Temp Diff

To delete Temporary Differences:

1.Click Delete to delete a "Temp Diff."
2.Select the Code.
3.Select Delete.
4.A message appears "Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)?
5.Click Cancel to close the without deleting.
6.Click OK to "Delete Selected Items."
7.Click Save.


The code is established by an Administrator for the temporary difference.



You can select the Temp Diff Code - Name.

Override Unit Rates

You can override the designated unit rates for a temporary difference.


Beginning Balance

Beginning balances are "Read-Only."



Type the unassigned balance in the "Tax" column for the Deferred Rollforward column.


Ending Balance

Ending balances are "Read-Only."